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The Bookshop where you are always welcome
The Canberra Catholic Bookshop in Manuka, just behind St. Christopher’s Cathedral, strives to provide a balanced selection, incorporating classic Catholic writings (including Missals and Daily Prayer Books), religious education material, and more contemporary publications that help inspire and invigorate one’s faith. We also stock an extensive range of piety, including rosaries and religious jewellery, icons, crucifixes and gifts commemorating auspicious or catechistic events.
You can rest assured that we’ll do all we can to source that special book for you and, if needed, we can arrange Australia-wide shipping.
We are in the process of updating this website with all the stock possible – if there is something that you’re after that you can’t see on our website please contact us and we’ll let you know if we have it or can source it!
For the benefit of our customers and supporters, we’ve also created a FREE RESOURCES page, with some topical and additional information about some of the items available in-store.
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